Please let us know you are planning to help by
October 23,  2024.

Calling all men and boys-- join us for Trail Ridge Lumberjack Days this October! One of our main post-summer projects is clearing out dead trees throughout camp. With a project of this size, many hands make light work! We are looking for volunteers with skills in running a chain saw, those that can split and stack wood, and people willing to haul branches. We'll plan on starting work at 9:00 AM on Friday morning the 25th (breakfast beforehand at 8:00 AM) and wrap up around 4 PM on Saturday, the 26th. If you are available for both days, or even just for part of a day, we can use you!

We will be expecting each of our volunteers to be working during all working hours of the weekend. This is not a retreat, but there will certainly be time for fun and fellowship with other volunteers and camp staff while working and during our down times. Meals and overnight lodging will be provided for all volunteers. For example, if you're here from Friday at noon until Saturday at 2:00 we will provide you with lunch and supper on Friday as well as overnight lodging.  We will also provide breakfast and lunch for you on Saturday.
If you are able, please bring your own equipment like chainsaws, work gloves, and safety glasses.  If you are staying overnight, please bring bedding to fit a twin sized bunk as well as any other toiletries, towels, etc. you will need. Wisconsin weather in October can be unpredictable, so as we get closer, be sure you are checking to ensure you arrive prepared.
Ladies--We could use a few volunteers  to help us do a deep clean of the camp kitchen.
Please let us know you are planning to help out for the 2024 Lumberjack Weekend, by filling out the registration below.


Between 6-7 PM on Thursday Evening, those driving from longer distances have the option to arrive early.
Note: Please eat dinner before you arrive.

8:00 AM---Breakfast and Devotions
9:00 AM--Work Begins
12:00 PM--Lunch Break
1:00 PM--Back to Work
5:00 PM--End of work day/clean up for supper
7:00--Evening Activity
11:00 PM--Lights Out

8:00 AM---Breakfast and Devotions
9:00 AM--Work Begins
12:00 PM--Lunch Break
1:00 PM--Back to Work
3:00-4:00--Wrap and head home